Cancer patients deserve the tools, knowledge, and resources to take control of their own care.
Last year, we published our first annual State of Patient Empowerment Report. That first-of-its kind study revealed that breast cancer patients are, on the whole, not fully informed of the evidence-based treatments that could influence their care. Many patients lack necessary access to a consultative care team that shares timely and relevant information about treatment options, and the integration of patient goals is low.
For the second year in a row, we’re declaring that “we cannot change what we do not measure.” We set out to understand how empowered cancer patients feel to play an active role in managing their own diagnosis and treatment plan. Unfortunately, this year we determined that the statistics around patient empowerment remain sobering. At the same time, we discovered patients are actively using technology to take matters into their own hands.
Download our latest State of Patient Empowerment Report here:
If you’d like to discuss these results with us directly, please email us at
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