When your favorite celebrity shares something personal, that uncensored peak behind the curtain can leave you feeling extra connected, influenced, and often quite emotional about their news. For some celebrities, staying communicative and vulnerable through their social platforms also provides opportunities to educate others.
By opening up about a medical condition or illness, they often help others with the same condition feel heard and help raise awareness of the diagnosis to a larger audience.
Jenna Fischer
Last month, actress Jenna Fischer (the beloved Pam from The Office) announced on Instagram that she was diagnosed with Stage 1 Triple Positive Breast Cancer at age 49 last December.
After an aggressive treatment plan that included surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation she is now cancer-free. @msjennafischer chose to share her story during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and used her platform to share the full story, from the time of her yearly mammogram through her course of treatment.
Jenna didn’t hold back while explaining her diagnosis or describing what she went through. Not only was her vulnerability and transparency on full display, but she chose to provide an educated recommendation to anyone who follows her to schedule their own yearly mammograms, listen to their care team’s recommendations, and lean on their circle of friends and family for support if and when they need it. Jenna stood firm in her belief that her doctors steered her in the right direction for the right care, and ultimately saved her life.
Olivia Munn
Last year, actress Olivia Munn also shared her breast cancer diagnosis. At age 42, Olivia had proactively taken a genetic test that tested for 90 different cancer genes, resulting in negative results for all, including the BRCA gene. She’d also completed her yearly mammogram with no issues, but was then diagnosed with breast cancer just two months later after her doctor suggested calculating her Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Score and getting a baseline MRI.
Olivia’s MRI, followed by an ultrasound and biopsy, led to a diagnosis of Luminal B cancer in both breasts. Luminal B cancer is aggressive, but thankfully Olivia’s care team was able to move quickly on a double mastectomy as well as subsequent surgeries. Today, Olivia is feeling better, sharing her story with the world, and caring for her second child together with comedian John Mullaney.
Elle Macpherson
Although a lot of positivity and awareness can come from celebrities sharing their diagnoses, there can also be harmful consequences. When celebrities share alternative treatment paths that aren’t aligned with standard medical advice from doctors, it can lead some patients to forgo conventional, evidence-based options, potentially risking their health.
Model Elle Macpherson recently shared her breast cancer diagnosis and her decision to pursue an “intuitive, heart-led, holistic approach.” Although Elle underwent a lumpectomy, she didn’t continue the recommended treatment of chemotherapy. Elle shared she is now in remission but her story lacks critical details.
In 2017, Elle was diagnosed with HER2-positive estrogen-receptive intraductal carcinoma, which is a form of noninvasive precancer that could potentially become aggressive if left untreated. Initial reports of her diagnosis didn’t provide details about the size of the precancer, grade of the cells, and other risk factors.
Additionally, it’s also unclear whether the precancer was detected due to discovering a lump or because Elle underwent cancer screening, which would lead to different treatment paths.
Elle’s story highlights the importance of getting accurate information directly from your care team, rather than relying on media reports or celebrity stories.
While a lot of celebrities including Tig Natoro, Christina Applegate, Angelina Jolie, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus use their platforms to raise much-needed awareness and promote positive causes, it’s important to seek medical advice directly from your doctors. They have access to your full medical history and the specifics of your cancer to create a treatment plan that’s tailored specifically to your diagnosis.
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