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3 reasons to journal during your breast cancer treatment

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Happy senior woman sitting at a table in her home office, writing in a journal.

During difficult times in life–or at any point where we experience a range of emotions, either positive or negative–it can be difficult to verbalize how we’re feeling. Sometimes, it’s much easier to write things down instead of expressing those sentiments out loud. 

Data suggests there are numerous mental health benefits to journaling; and studies indicate journaling can support breast cancer patients as you manage the stress of diagnosis and treatment. Outcomes4Me has always offered a digital journal within our app, and it’s one of our most popular user features.

But, we also understand that some of our patient members enjoy supplementing their digital journal with an “IRL” journal, putting a real pen to real paper. So, to align with our Breast Cancer Awareness Month theme of “It’s OK, Not to Be OK,” we’ve teamed up with Silk & Sonder, named a “Best Anti-Anxiety Journal” by Parade, and one of the 25 best planners and agendas of 2023 by Marie Claire, to offer our members a 15% discount on all purchases. Visit this link and use the code OUTCOMES4ME15 at check-out to take advantage of the discount throughout the month of October 2023. 

Reasons to consider journaling as you navigate breast cancer treatment and survivorship include:

  1. Document mental health symptoms that coincide with treatment. It can be difficult to remember how you’ve been feeling each day when you have extended periods between doctor’s visits. But, if you capture your mood daily as part of your journaling exercise, it can be easier for you and your provider to spot trends and discuss management of your mental health along with your physical health during treatment or survivorship. 
  2. Track your own growth and perseverance. Life is so busy, and then add a serious illness into the mix, and practicing gratitude or mindfulness can feel extraneous or frivolous. But, it’s important to have a record of all of the really hard things you have navigated during the course of your treatment. Take a moment to feel proud for everything you’ve overcome, and the fearlessness you’ve shown during a time that is both scary and overwhelming. 
  3. Celebrate the good times, too. Each day, there’s something to be grateful for–even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment. Write down something small that makes you smile: perhaps it’s a refreshing walk with a loved one, a phone call from a friend, or a favorite TV show. Whatever it is that’s given you some small reprieve from your treatment, take a moment to celebrate it and record it so you can look back on it for strength in the future.

The Outcomes4Me Journal

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  • Get personalized support and treatment options
  • Connect with a community of cancer patients and caregivers
  • Track your symptoms and medications
  • Access the latest cancer research and clinical trials

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