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Four ways we show up for the breast cancer community at SABCS

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At Outcomes4Me, we believe in showing up with purpose — not just as an app or a service, but as a dedicated partner to the breast cancer patients we serve. We are thrilled to announce we once again will attend the annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) December 5-9, 2023. This annual event brings together the world’s leading breast cancer researchers, clinicians, and advocates. It serves as a pivotal hub for the latest advancements in breast cancer research, treatment, and patient care. This makes it the ideal platform for us to engage, learn, and contribute meaningfully. Our commitment to you is  to be fully present, to listen actively, and to learn with passion, ensuring that we absorb every valuable insight to better support and empower you.

Here are four ways we will show up for the community at this year’s meeting!

1. Focus groups

In our quest to better tailor our app and services to your needs, we’re hosting over forty breast cancer survivors and thrivers in multiple focus groups. These groups are a unique opportunity to hear real-life experiences, challenges, and suggestions. Whether navigating an early stage diagnosis or living with metastatic breast cancer (MBC), direct patient insights are invaluable in helping us enhance our offerings and we can’t wait to have this in person time with these amazing survivors and thrivers!

2. Latest research insights

We understand how vital it is to stay informed about the latest breast cancer research. Our team will be onsite to gather the most current knowledge unveiled at SABCS. We’re committed to distilling this information into understandable summaries, ensuring you have access to the latest developments that might influence your treatment and care. We’ll update this information in the app as soon as possible following the conference.

3. Collaborating for greater impact

At SABCS, we’re not just learners–we’re also collaborators. We’ll connect with fellow advocacy organizations and breast cancer groups to exchange ideas and strategies. This synergy is crucial for us to refine our approach and better serve the broader breast cancer community. We’ll share the results of this collaboration as soon as we can!

4. Post-SABCS wrap-up webinar

Stay tuned for our exclusive post-SABCS wrap-up webinar featuring a top breast oncologist. This session will be a comprehensive overview of the symposium, highlighting new research, treatments, and insights that could be game-changers for your treatment path. We’ll announce details for registration in our app.

As we participate in SABCS, we’re carrying your stories, questions, and hopes with us. Your experiences drive our mission, and together, we’re stepping into a future where every breast cancer survivor has personalized, empowering, and cutting-edge resources at their disposal. Keep an eye on the Outcomes4Me app for all the latest from SABCS, and let’s continue this journey together, informed, connected, and stronger than ever.

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