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Extra resources for navigating relationships during cancer

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Senior couple hugging in a nursing home. A happy senior couple standing next to a window in a nursing home, hugging and smiling. They have all care they need.

Book: Sex and Cancer: Intimacy, Romance, and Love After Diagnosis and Treatment.
This book by Saketh R. Guntupalli, MD, and Maryann Karinch tackles the problem of intimacy and cancer with solid suggestions on coping and moving forward.

Video: Sex & Intimacy with Dr. Don S. Dizon.
Dr. Dizon is the director of women’s cancers at Lifespan Cancer Institute and director of medical oncology at Rhode Island Hospital. Dr. Dizon specializes in breast and pelvic cancers, with a special interest in cancer survivorship, particularly as it relates to sexual health.

Book: Breast Cancer Husband: How to Help Your Wife (and Yourself) during Diagnosis, Treatment and Beyond
A unique guide, like none other on the market–packed with medical information, practical tips, psychological insight, and coping strategies to help men help the women they love through this trying time.


Website: Living Beyond Breast Cancer Guide to Family & Relationships
Guidance and insights for communicating with those closest to you about your diagnosis, things that may change, and what you need.

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