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Three books and podcasts for lung cancer patients

man reading a book at a table close up at a

November marks Lung Cancer Awareness Month, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis, screening, and personalized treatments. For this month’s featured books and podcasts, we’ve carefully picked recommendations that provide emotional support, educational insights, and guidance to anyone affected by lung cancer. 

Find these titles at your local library, or bookstore, or on the Libby app for a chance to read them for free. If you prefer listening to podcasts, we’ve linked them directly below.


Written by a renowned therapist and retired professor of psychiatry at Stanford University, Staring at the Sun provides an unflinching yet empathetic perspective on mortality. Dr. Yalom offers clinical insights on how to confront our mortality and evidence-based strategies to manage the anxiety that’s often associated with illness or trauma. 

For poetry readers, Ode to My Node is a heartfelt poetry book that poignantly captures the complex emotions of a cancer diagnosis. S.J. Gooderham’s words offer comfort, inspiration, and humor to patients across all stages.

Winner of the 2023 PROSE Award for Excellence in Biological and Life Sciences and the 2023 Chautauqua Prize, The Song of the Cell is an immersive read that unfolds centuries of discoveries in the basic building block of life: the cell. This fascinating book offers readers a gripping story that blends science, research, and evolution.


  • The Other C Word | Lung Cancer Explained with Dr. Eric Singhi

In this podcast, MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Dr. Eric Singhi explores the basics of lung cancer and the latest emerging therapies. He explains what it means to provide patient-focused, personalized care and how to balance treatment options with a patient’s needs. He ends the episode with an engaging myth or fact game to break down common misconceptions about lung cancer. 

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

  • Lung Cancer Considered | The Power of Movement: Exercise and Lung Cancer

Tune into this episode for an informative session that uncovers the role exercise plays in supporting treatment outcomes. Podcast host Dr. Narjust Florez is joined by experts and a patient advocate to discuss the benefits of regular exercise and the advancements in exercise oncology.

Listen to the episode here.

  • MedStar Health DocTalk | November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month: What to Know

Chief of Thoracic Surgery at MedStar Washington Hospital Center Dr. Edward Chan breaks down lung cancer screening, risk factors, and treatment options. In this episode, he explores the different lifestyle factors that could contribute to lung cancer risk and the questions you should ask your care team after a diagnosis. 

Listen to the episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. 

Have you found the words of a particular author or storyteller helpful? Let us know if there’s a book you’d like to see highlighted during the upcoming months of our Book Club. 

 *When you purchase from a link on this page, we may receive a small affiliate commission.

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