Outcomes4Me is a 2024 Fast Company World Changing Idea! Learn more >>

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Our purpose is to improve outcomes for everyone by empowering cancer patients and democratizing healthcare. Please contact us with any press requests or inquiries.

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In the News

Text: The Empowered Patient and a photo of Dr. Maya Said
:: The Health Pulse Podcast

Empowering Cancer Patients With Lifesaving Information

Outcomes4Me Founder and CEO Maya R. Said, Sc.D., joins SAS’s The Health Pulse podcast to...
Geometric shapes and colors
:: Fast Company

Fast Company

Outcomes4Me is a 2024 Fast Company World Changing Ideas honoree.
:: Women’s Health

The AI Health Care Revolution Is Already Here

Suzanne Garner, a 46-year-old mom in California, used the AI-enabled app Outcomes4Me to match with a clinical...
Image of a medical record screen on an iPad
:: Cancer Today

Dealing With Immediate Medical Test Results

Patients have been entitled to immediate access to medical records and test results for three...
The Tech Top 50 logo
:: Mass TLC

Outcomes4Me Founder & CEO Dr. Maya Said a MassTLC Top Tech 50 Honoree

The Mass Technology Leadership Council announced honorees of its Tech Top 50 on February 29th...
The Inc. Regionals logo and a map of the United States with the Northeast highlighted.
:: Inc. Magazine

Outcomes4Me: #70 on Inc. Magazine’s Fastest Growing Companies in the Northeast

Outcomes4Me offers an app using AI and machine learning to help cancer patients navigate their...
The Anthem Awards logo and the text "When we combine the promise of precision oncology, the power of AI, and empower patients, we WILL cure cancer."
:: Anthem Awards

Outcomes4Me: Anthem Awards Winner

Outcomes4Me wins a Silver Anthem Award for “Health: Best Use of Technology, Product, Innovation, or...
MM+M logo
:: MM+M

Outcomes4Me partners with Labcorp and NBCUniversal on cancer care

While it’s impossible to quantify the impact of medical innovation on the world of cancer...

Press Releases

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